A Swimming Lesson
Yesterday was Father's Day (June 18, 2017). A day I really do not like- hate even. A day that I wish was not on the calendar because all it does is bring bad luck. Now I don't hate Father's Day because I had a bad father. Quite the opposite. My father was a good father. I hate father's day because it is one of those fake holidays we have created. Nothing changes on this day. I still get up, get my daughters ready, feed them breakfast, go to church/work, then come home. Only this time we went swimming- another past time I do not cherish. However, my wife and oldest daughter enjoys it so that does bring me some joy seeing them happy. Yesterday, had its dangerous moment though. My wife just finished taking a picture of our daughters and our friends' daughter and son. I removed myself with the youngest child and my wife turned around to talk to her friend when our oldest daughter went for a swim. By God's grace I turned around and noticed she was missing....